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Lit Match

Lit Match

Hosted by: Abigail K. Perry

A podcast made to help writers find the best literary agent for their writing and business career.

All Episodes


First Chapters: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

We're back with book four! Abigail sits down with certified editor and book coach Savannah Gilbo to discuss and analyze the first chapter of HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE. Abigail and Savannah return with a...
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How to Write a Query Letter (Part 3): Paragraph Three, the Author Bio (and Final Tips)

This is the third episode in a three-part series of episodes on how to write a query letter. Abigail teaches writers how to write the third (and final!) paragraph of the query letter, or the author bio.  Sometimes...
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How to Write a Query Letter (Part 2): Paragraph Two, the Blurb (or Back Cover Copy)

This is the second episode in a three-part series of episodes on how to write a query letter. In it, Abigail teaches writers how to write the second paragraph of the query letter, otherwise known as the blurb or back...
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How to Write a Query Letter (Part 1): Paragraph One, the Hook

In the first episode of a three-part series of episodes on how to write a query letter, Abigail teaches writers how to write the first paragraph of their query letter. To do this, she covers important elements...
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First Chapters: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

We're back with book three! Abigail sits down with certified editor and book coach Savannah Gilbo to discuss and analyze the first chapter of HARRY POTTER AND THE PRISONER OF AZKABAN. Following the normal first...
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Quick Query Tips: 3 Strategic Ways to Research Literary Agents

Welcome to the first Quick Query Tips episode! While Abigail books more literary agents and editors for the show, she turns the focus from interviews with literary agents to the research and submission process.  In...
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First Chapters: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

We're back!  Abigail sits down with Savannah Gilbo to discuss and analyze the first chapter of HARRY POTTER AND THE CHAMBER OF SECRETS. This is an especially interesting conversation on first chapters since the first...
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Jennie Nash ON: What Makes a Great Book Coach, Fundamental Questions Writers Need to Ask (and Answer), and Why Writers Should Invest in Their Work

"Working with a book coach is an investment, and there's no guarantee. No book coach is going to say, ‘I guarantee that you will get an agent and a book deal.’ That would be dishonest. They can't do that. So you're...
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Michelle Brower ON: What Makes a Great Book Club Pick, Creating Community, and How to Write Through the Middle

"I love books that sort of  take you through the pain of living in some way. Life inherently has tragedy and hardship. And I love books that take you to that, but also give you an opportunity to see a way out and to...
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First Chapters: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

QUICK NOTE! THE BOOK VS. THE AUTHOR As much as I love the HARRY POTTER series, I am saddened by and do not condone JKR’s attacks on the trans community.  It’s this reason that, for these first chapter episodes...
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Tee Moore ON: Becoming a Career Author and How to Find a Literary Agent

"I'm becoming more intentional about my dreams because my purpose didn't just die when I became a mom,  it actually became more realized. Being a mom was just part of my purpose. It's part of the path. I meant to be a...
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Stephanie Winter ON: Millennial Fiction, the Difference Between Voice and Style, and How Agents Work with Editors

"I'm here to answer any questions and help create a strong positioning for the work. Whether that means, figuring out how the creator needs to receive feedback, that they can best process the information or adjusting...
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