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Lit Match

Lit Match

Hosted by: Abigail K. Perry

A podcast made to help writers find the best literary agent for their writing and business career.

All Episodes


Emmy Nordstrom Higdon ON: Predicting the Market, A Love for Weird Stories, and How to Lift Up Diverse Books in Traditional Publishing

"You can't really pick what you're going to represent or what you're going to pitch based on  what people are excited about today. You need to be thinking about what's going to be happening three years from now or...
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Tara Gilbert ON: What Makes a Character-Driven Story, YA vs. MG Novels, and How to Emotionally Connect with Your Reader

"I think it's really just  grounding your reader in the story, making sure that they are right up front aware of who this character is or what they  want and what their goal is, you want to make sure you're grounded...
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Paula Munier ON: How to Identify and Capitalize on the Selling Points of a Story and What Makes a Story Unique

"Stories are what get us through, stories are how humans have encouraged one another to survive the dark times and given pointers about how to survive the dark times.” – Paula Munier, Talcott Notch Literary  Abigail...
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First Chapters: Read Until You Understand by Farah Griffin

Abigail K. Perry takes an in-depth look at READ UNTIL YOU UNDERSTAND by Farah Jasmine Griffin.  In this special BONUS episode, Abigail uses the five commandments to analyze the structure in the first scene, and seven...
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Katie Shea Boutillier ON: Audio Rights, What Makes an Imperfect Character, and How Writers Can Define and Develop Their Voice

"If you don't know how to write characters that  have problems and issues and you're actually not writing any human that's realistic, cause we're all at fault at some point, and you should always take that into...
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Tanya McKinnon ON: What Makes Great Nonfiction, Why Stories Encourage Empathy, and How She Helps Clients Craft a Powerful Proposal

"Every time you pick up a good book, you enter someone else's mind, you see the world through their lens. And that's deeply exciting for me. I also think it allows for empathy, and empathy and kindness are the core...
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First Chapters: The Chandler Legacies by Abdi Nazemian

“I'm rooting for Beth, as she prepares to submit her essay for consideration...There's this sense of, I may be insecure, but at the same time reminding yourself that you have value and you have worth…and can stand up...
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John Cusick ON: What Makes a Manuscript Stand Out, Blending Passion and Business, and Why He Loves Kidlit

“Without any kind of moralizing or didacticism, I think that what kidlit provides is a space for young people to grow their own sense of themselves and their role in their community and their role in the world.” –...
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First Chapters: Take It Back by Kia Abdullah

“Regardless of what POV you choose, a strong voice is necessary for great books, and it’s not uncommon for an agent or editor to pass on a story that lacks a defining voice, or embrace one that is exceptional. ” –...
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Jessica Faust ON: Her Mission to Represent Marginalized Voices, Advocating and Mentoring Authors and Agents, and Defining Success

“Authors who are marginalized are writing to a marginalized audience. And I think it's time that they be given the voice to write to all audiences. I'm really making it a mission to do that.” – Jessica Faust,...
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First Chapters: Girls with Bright Futures and a Special Conversation with Co-Authors Tracy Dobmeier and Wendy Katzman

“I think the reason to start here was because this is the inciting incident that led to all the madness that is going to unfold.” – Tracy Dobmeier and Wendy Katzman, Authors of GIRLS WITH BRIGHT FUTURES   Abigail K....
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Carly Watters ON: Her MSWL, How to Define Commercial Fiction, and the Power in an Author-Agent Relationship

“I think it's really important to be working with creators that have a really strong point of view, and they know how to communicate that point of view.” – Carly Watters, Senior Literary Agent and SVP at P.S. Literary...
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